How will you describe the position of a table lamp on your study table to another person?

Positions of different types of things or given data can be explained by using the coordinate geometry.
Let's $X$ and $Y$ axis are meeting perpendicularly and the position of different object can be written as in the form of the points given by the $X$ and $Y$ coordinates.

Therefore, to describe the position of a table lamp placed on the table, let us consider the table lamp as $P$ and the table as a plane and follow the steps:

1. At first, let us choose two perpendicular edge of the table and name them axes $OX$ and $OY$. 

2. Now, measure the perpendicular distance ‘$a\ cm$' of the lamp from $OY$. 

3. Measure the perpendicular distance ‘$b\ cm$ of $P( lamp)$ from $OX$. 

Thus, the position of the table lamp $P$ is described by the ordered pair $( a,\ b)$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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