How will you test for sugar and protein in a food item?

For testing sugar and protein in a food item, we do the following test-

Sugar test - Benedict’s solution

1. We use Benedict's solution to test simple sugars, such as glucose. 

2. It is a blue solution of sodium and copper salts. 

3. When this blue solution comes in contact with the food containing simple sugars, it changes color to green, yellow, and brick-red, depending on the amount of sugar. 

Protein - Biuret solution

1. We use the Biuret solution to identify the presence of protein. 

2. Biuret reagent is a blue solution of sodium hydroxide, and hydrated copper(II) sulfate, together with potassium sodium tartrate.

3. When this blue solution comes in contact with the food containing protein, it changes color to pink-purple.

Updated on: 29-Mar-2023


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