How we take oxygen in our body?

When we take a breath, we pull Air that first enters the body through the nose or mouth and then goes into the larynx, trachea and the lungs, which contain 78 % nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.965% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, some other gases, and breathe out mostly carbon dioxide.

The lungs, blood, heart and blood vessels work together to transport oxygen around the body, but among them, the primary organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, which function to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as we breathe.

The lungs enrich the blood with oxygen.

The process of circulating oxygen-rich blood in the human body is as follows:-

1. A human heart has four chambers :

(i) Right atrium (ii) Left atrium (iii) Right ventricle (iv) Left ventricle.

2. The oxygen-deficient blood enters the Right Atrium from the whole body and then flows into Right Ventricle.

3. From there, this oxygen-deficient blood is transported to the lungs.

4. Here, in the lungs, the blood gets enriched with oxygen.

5. From here, the oxygen-rich blood enters the Left Atrium of the heart, from the lungs, via four pulmonary veins.

6. Now, the blood enters the Left ventricle from the Left Atrium, which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to the whole body through the aorta and the arterial system.


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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