How we can prevent or cure the diseases caused in plants like Citrus Canker, Rust of Wheat, and Yellow Vein Mosaic in Bhindi (Okra)?

Citrus canker- This plant disease is caused by bacteria. It occurs in citrus trees/plants such as lemon, lime & orange, etc.

It is transmitted through the air.

There is no cure for citrus canker. Prevention is the best option to protect against citrus canker by using copper-based bactericides.

Rust- This plant disease is caused by fungi. It is transmitted through the air and seeds. It occurs in wheat plants.

A number of fungicides are available such as triazoles and strobilurins for control of these diseases.

Yellow Vein Mosaic- This plant disease is caused by a virus. It is transmitted through insects.

It can be cured by sprayings of chemicals like monocrotophos, synthetic pyrethroids, and the application of Chlorpyriphos + neem oil + water.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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