How to write 5000 in Roman Numbers?

Given :

The given number is 5000.

To do :

We have to write 5000 in roman numerals.

Solution :

Rules for understanding Roman numbers are given below: -

1. If smaller numbers follow larger numbers, add the numbers.

For example, $XIII=10+1+1+1=13$.

2. If a smaller number precedes a larger number, subtract the smaller number.

For example, $IV=5-1=4$.

3. Roman numerals don't use four identical letters in a row.

For example, You'd never exceed $III$, or $1+1+1, XXX$, or $10+10+10$. Since we can't use four identical numerals in a row, 4 would not be $IIII$ but rather $IV$, 40 would not be $XXXX$ but, rather, $XL$. 4 . Any time you see a line, that indicates the number should be multiplied by a thousand. For example, When X looks like X̄ that indicates $10 \times 1000 = 10,000$.

5. Always remember to treat each part of the number separately (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.).

For example, Even though 1999 is one fewer than 2000, you write $MCMXCIX$ instead of MIM because you can’t skip the place value.

For numbers over 1,000, you put a dash over the top of the Roman Numeral to indicate multiplied by 1,000.

$5000$ in Roman numerals is V\ov$erline{V}.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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