How to find the absorption rate of soil?

Different variety of soil absorbs the different extent of water.

The absorption of water can be calculated by taking the definite amount of soil (g).

Experiment: To find the percentage of water absorbed by the soil

Apparatus: Soil sample, funnel, beaker, water, measuring cylinder, filter paper.


1) Measure 50 g of different soil samples and mark them separately.

2) Place the funnel upon beaker. Fold the filter paper in a cone shape and place it in the funnel.

3) Pour measured 50g soil in the different funnel with filter paper (already marked) placed upon different beakers.

4) Pour a definite volume of water in the soil with the help of measuring cylinders. Continue to pour water till water starts dripping.

5) Check the amount of water retained in the measuring cylinder and subtract it from the initial amount of water which was taken into the measuring cylinder.

Observation: The resulted different amount of water is retained or absorbed by the soil.


Percentage of water absorbed (%) by the soil = {(U-V)/a} X 100,

                                                                                    = {(U-V)/50} X 100,

where, U = Initial volume of water (ml),

             V = Final volume of water (ml),

             a = amount of soil (g), which is 50g for this experiment.

Updated on: 20-Mar-2023


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