How to draw parallel lines by using ruler and compass?

Steps of drawing parallel lines-

Draw a line, use a ruler, name it line $L$.

Draw a point, not on line $L$, name it point $A$.

Draw a line through point $A$, that crosses line $L$, name it line $M$.

Name the point, where the two lines cross, point $B$.

Draw an arc from point $B$, that crosses both lines.

Name the point, where the arc crosses line $M$, point $C$.

Name the point, where the arc crosses line $L$, point $D$.

Draw the same arc from point $A$, that is the alternate interior angle, of the arc you drew from point $B$.

Name the point, where the arc crosses line $M$, point $E$.

Draw an arc, from point $C$ that crosses point $D$.

Draw the same arc from point $E$ that crosses the arc from point $A$, name the point where the two arcs cross, point $F$.

Draw a line from point $F$ to point $A$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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