How To Do Divisibility In Odd Or Even Numbers

How to do divisibility in odd or even numbers?


We have several rules of divisibility for numbers like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and so on

If the numbers are even, they will be divisible by 2 by definition and hence last digit as 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 

Even numbers or those ending in 0 may be divisible by 5 or 10 eg: 40

Even numbers ending in 6 may be divisible by 3 or 6 eg: 36

If the numbers end in a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, they are odd numbers.

They may be divisible by 3, 9,11 etc...

Divisibility rules are as follows

Divisibilty  rules 

Any integer (not a fraction) is divisible by 1 

The last digit is even (0,2,4,6,8) 


128  is divisible by 2  

 129  is not divisible by 2 

The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 

381 (3+8+1=12, and 12÷3 = 4) is divisible by 3 

217 (2+1+7=10, and 10÷3 = 3 1/3) Not divisible by 3 

The last 2 digits are divisible by 4 

1312 is (12÷4=3) is divisible by 4 

7019 is not (19÷4=4 3/4) is not divisible by 4 

The last digit is 0 or 5 

175  is divisible by 5 

809  not divisible by 5 

Is even and is divisible by 3 (it passes both the 2 rule and 3 rule above) 

114 (it is even, and 1+1+4=6 and 6÷3 = 2) is divisible by 6π 

308 (it is even, but 3+0+8=11 and 11÷3 = 3 2/3) Not divisible by 6 

Divisibility Rule for 8 

The last three digits of the given number should be divisible by 8 


109816 (816÷8=102) So 109816 is divisible by 8 

216302 (302÷8=37 3/4) So 216301 is not divisible by 8 


The sum of the digits is divisible by 9 

1629 (1+6+2+9=18, and again, 1+8=9) divisible by 9 

2013 (2+0+1+3=6) Not divisible by 9 


The number ends in 0 

220  is divisible by 10 

221  is not divisible by 10 


Divisibility Rule for 11 

Add and subtract digits of the given number in an alternating pattern (add a digit, subtract next digit, add next digit, and so on). Then we check if that answer is divisible by 11. 

1364 (+1−3+6−4 = 0) So 1364 is divisible by 11 

913 (+9−1+3 = 11) So 913 is divisible by 11 

3729 (+3−7+2−9 = −11) So 3729 is divisible by 11 

987 (+9−8+7 = 8) So 987 is not divisible by 11 






Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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