How to change fraction into decimals?

Given: A fraction.

To do: To convert a fraction into decimal.


Conversion of a fraction into decimal, we have to follow the following steps:

$( 1).$ First, change the given fraction into an equivalent fraction with denominators 10, 100, 1000, etc.

$( 2).$ Count the number of zeros in the denominator after 1. Put the decimal in the numerator, start from the extreme right, and move the decimal point to the left equal the number of zeros.

Example: Convert the following into decimals.

$( i)\frac{5}{4}$      $(ii)\frac{7}{5}$

We can convert by using the above method:

$( i). \frac{5}{4}$, This fraction can be changed into an equivalent fraction with denominators $100$.

On multiplying with $25$ numerator and denominator both it becomes:


Thus, the decimal form of fraction $\frac{5}{4}$ is $0.125$

$( ii)$. Similarly, Fraction $\frac{7}{5}$ can be changed into an equivalent fraction with denominators $100$.

On multiplying with $20$ numerator and denominator both it becomes:


Conversion of a fraction by long division method:

We can change a fraction into decimal by using the long division method. For that, we have to follow these steps:

$(1)$. Convert the dividend to a suitable equivalent decimal.

$(2)$. When a digit to the right of the decimal point is brought down, insert a decimal point in the quotient.

Example: Convert $\frac{6}{4}$ into decimals.

Thus, $1.5$ is the decimal form of $\frac{6}{4}$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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