How many seconds are there in one day and one hour?

To find: We have to calculate how many seconds are there in one day and one hour.


Number of seconds in 1 minute = 60

Number of minutes in 1 hour = 60

Number of hours in 1 day = 24


Number of minutes in 1 day = Number of hours in 1 day $\times $ Number of minutes in 1 hour

Number of minutes in 1 day = 24 $\times $ 60

Number of minutes in 1 day = 1440


Number of seconds in 1 day = Number of minutes in 1 day $\times $ Number of seconds in 1 minute

Number of seconds in 1 day = 1440 $\times $ 60

Number of seconds in 1 day = 86400


Number of seconds in 1 hour = Number of minutes in 1 hour $\times $ Number of seconds in 1 minute

Number of seconds in 1 hour = 60 $\times $ 60

Number of seconds in 1 hour = 3600

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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