How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250?

To do: Find How Many Multiples Of 4 Lie Between 10 And 250  


$nth term =  a + (n - 1)d$

First number in this series will be 12. Last number will be 248.

The series will be 12,16,20……….248.

It is a arithmetic progression with first term a=12 and common difference of 4.

with last term as 248.

Lets assume it has n such numbers. So 248 will be nth term

So, $248=12 + (n-1)\times4$ 

$(n-1).4= 248–12=236$



So, 60 multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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