How is the method of extraction of metals high up in the reactivity series different from that for metals in the middle? Why can the same process not be applied for them? Name the process used for the extraction of these metals.

 Metals high up in the reactivity series are extracted by electrolytic reduction as they generally occur in the form of oxides which are quite stable. While those in the middle are extracted first by converting into oxide and then reducing by carbon. 

The same method cannot be used because the metals present high up in the reactivity series have more affinity for oxygen than carbon.

Process of extraction of Sodium metal from its chloride.

Molten sodium chloride is taken for electrolytic reduction to produce sodium metal. The metals are deposited at the cathode and chlorine is liberated at the anode. 

At cathode:  $Na^+ + e^-  → Na$

At anode : $2Cl^- → Cl_2 + 2e^-$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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