How is the crushing of chalk a physical change?

The crushing of chalk changes its appearance by converting a big piece of chalk into smaller particles. Thus, it can be described as a physical change.

But, the chalk powder cannot be transformed back to chalk as the particles of chalk absorb atmospheric humidity water particles. Therefore, it can be described as a chemical change.

[Explanation: Physical Change is the change of that matter where only the appearance or molecular arrangement of matter changes. There is no change in its composition.

Examples: Boiling and freezing of water, melting of wax, mixing sand and grains, crumpling a paper bag, etc.

Chemical Change: The change in which chemical properties of the matter change is known as chemical change.

Examples:  Digestion of food, burning of petrol and diesel, rusting, preparation of tea and coffee, etc.

Some changes can be physical as well as chemical. Like the burning of a candle, crushing of chalk, etc.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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