How is the sound produced? What are the three properties of sound?

sound is a form of energy produced by vibrating bodies. Sound is produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in the air are called travelling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. At 20 °C, the speed of sound in air is about 343 m/s. 

The three properties of sound are as follows:-

1. Loudness is the attribute of sound that determines the intensity of auditory sensation produced. The loudness of a sound depends on its amplitude. It is proportional to the square of the amplitude. When the intensity is very small, the sound is not audible, when it is too great, it becomes painful and dangerous to the ear. A roar of a lion is louder than a woman’s voice. The loudness of sound is measured in Decibel (dB). If loudness exceeds 80 dB, then the sound becomes physically painful.

2. Pitch is based on the frequencies of the sound wave. When the frequency is high the ear interprets the sound as a higher pitch or it is said that the sound is shrilling, and when the frequency is low, the ear interprets the sound as a low pitch or lower shrill. The pitch of a woman’s voice is more and it is shriller than a man’s voice.

3. Quality or timbre describes those characteristics of sound which allow the ear to distinguish between the sounds which have the same pitch and loudness. A sound of good quality is pleasant to listen. The instruments are of different sizes and shapes and they produce different harmonics of loudness so their sound is easily recognizable. 

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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