How is friction offered by fluids different from that offered by solid surfaces?

Friction is the force that resists the relative motion of rigid objects, layers of air, and components of material slipping against each other. Various Friction Types: Relative lateral rotation of two rigid surfaces in contact resists dry friction. Fluid friction is a definition of the friction between layers of a viscous fluid that shift relative to one another.

Viscosity is characterized as a measure of a fluid's resistance which is deformed either by shear stress or tensile stress. Viscosity, in more general terminology, is the intrinsic motion of a fluid. That is also known as the width of a substance. As the two layers shift next to each other, viscosity is essentially the tension between two layers of fluid.

 Friction is caused by two rough surfaces falling in contact. Friction has five modes; dry friction that happens between two rigid bodies, fluid friction, also known as viscosity, lubricated friction, where two solids are divided by a liquid sheet, skin friction that opposes a moving material in a liquid, and internal friction that induces friction to the inner components of a rigid.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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