How does the process of fertilisation take place in flowers?

Fertilization is the process in which the nuclei of the female gamete and the male gamete unite together in the ovary of the flower to form a diploid zygote.

In angiosperms, the pollinators land on a flower and pick up pollen on their bodies. Pollinators land on a flower, and some pollen gets stuck on the stigma.

A pollen tube arises from the pollen grains and grows towards the ovules, passing stigma, style, and ovary to fuse with the eggs.

The prime function of the pollen tube is to transport sperm to the ovule where the female egg is present for the process of fertilization.

Therefore, the length of the pollen tube depends on the distance between the upper surface of the stigma and the ovule.

A grain of pollen combines with an ovule. A seed is formed.

 After fertilization,

(i) the ovary of the flower transforms into fruit, and

(ii) the ovules of the flower develop into seeds.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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