Guneet purchased a mixer grinder by paying ₹945 which includes a rebate of 10 % on the marked price and a sales tax of 5 %. Find the marked price of the mixer grinder.

Given :

Selling price $= ₹945$.

Rebate $= 10$%.

Sales tax $=5$%. 

To do :

We have to find the marked price.

Solution :

Let the marked price be 'x'.

Total discount %$= 10+5 = 15$%.

Selling price $= x - \frac{15}{100} x$

                     $= \frac{100x-15x}{100}$

                     $= \frac{85x}{100}$

So, $\frac{85x}{100}= 945$

$x = 945 \times \frac{100}{85}$

$x = \frac{94500}{85}$

$x = 1111$

Therefore, the marked price is ₹1111. 


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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