Given below are the names of some objects and materials:
Water, basketball, orange, sugar, globe, apple and earthen pitcher Group them as:
(a) Round shaped and other shapes(b) Eatables and non-eatables

(a) (i) Round shaped: Basketball, apple, orange, globe, earthen pitcher.
(ii) Other shapes: Water, sugar.
(b) (i) Eatables: Water, orange, sugar, and apple.
(ii) Non-eatables: Basketball, globe, and earthen pitcher.

Grouping of objects together with similar properties is called sorting. The materials can be grouped on the basis of similarities or differences in their properties. Sorting of objects into groups with each group having its own characteristic properties is called classification of objects. 

Advantage: We sort objects into groups because it makes it convenient to study their properties and also observe any patterns in these properties. It also helps us to locate any object. 

Explanation : Basketball, apple, orange, globe, and earthen pitcher are all round shaped whereas water has no shape and sugar is generally cuboid or powdery. Similarly, Water, orange, sugar, and apple are all eatables whereas Basketball, globe, and earthen pitcher are non edible susbtances.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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