Give an example of a number that can be expressed as a rectangle as well as a square. Show the arrangement also.

The numbers that can be expressed as a rectangle as well as a square:

  • Given non-negative integers m and n. m and n, not necessarily distinct,
  • Rectangular numbers are numbers of the form$m\times n$. $m\times n$, more commonly written mn. and,
  • Square numbers are of the form$n\times n$

If $m = n$, then $mn = m^2 = n^2$. $mn = m^2 = n^2$, a square number.

For example $7^2 = 49$.

But if m not equal to n, then mn might be a rectangle. 

For example, $2 \times 18$


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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