Give an example of a non-living thing, which shows any two characteristics of living things.

A car and truck show the characteristics of living things as they move from one place to another and require energy to do work in the form of fuel.

Special features of living things are as follows:

  • Food is necessary for all living things since it gives plants, animals, and humans nutrition and energy.
  • Living beings exhibit a response to stimuli by reacting to a drastic change in the environment. Peacocks, for instance, begin dancing when they see rain during the monsoon season.
  • Living creatures develop from a foetus to an adult. In this case, a puppy develops into a dog, kittens into cats, and a sunflower seed into a sunflower plant.
  • For food, protection, varied activities, etc., living organisms such as humans, birds, and insects move from one place to another.
  • The process of turning food into energy through breathing is crucial for the existence of all living creatures.
  • Living things excrete to remove toxins from our bodies, and they reproduce to generate more of their own kind.
  • Everything that is alive has a set lifespan during which it ages and expires.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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