Generally nocturnal, large padded feet, less sweating, mechanism to conserve water, etc. are adaptive features of animals living in
(a) polar regions
(b) tropical regions
(c) desert regions
(d) equatorial region

Correct Answer(c) desert regions


There are the following adaptations of Camels, which help them to survive in the desert and make them the ship of the desert.

1. They have large flat padded feet, that help them to walk easily on the sand in the hot desert.

2. Their long legs keep the body away from the heat of the sand.

3. They are equipped with double eyelashes, which act as a shield from sandstorms. 

4. They have thick eyebrows that protect their eyes from the scorching heat of the desert sun.

5. They have a hump on their back which is filled with fat, which is metabolized for energy when the camel does not get anything to eat.

6. They excrete very little water from their body through dry dung.

7. They have nostrils that can open and close so that they don't get sand up to their nose.

8. They have thick lips and rough tongues so that they can eat the prickly desert plants without feeling pain.

9. They have ears covered with hair even from the inside, which helps them keep out sand or dust from their ears.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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