Gagan bought a plot of land for 2,35,000/-. He built a boundary wall around the plot and leveled the land and sold it for 35,00,000/-, thus making a profit of 40% on his investment. How much did he spend as overhead charges?

Given :

The cost price of the land $=$ Rs. 2,35,000.

The selling price of the land $=$ Rs. 35,00,000.

Profit made $= 40$%.

To do :

We have to find the overhead charges he spent.

Solution :

Let the overhead charges incurred be Rs. P.

Final cost of the land for Gagan $= Rs. (2,35,000 + P)$.

This implies,

$35,00,000 = \frac{40}{100} (2,35,000+P) + (2,35,000+P)$

$35,00,000 = (2,35,000+P) (\frac{40}{100}+1)$

$35,00,000 = (2,35,000+P) (\frac{140}{100})$

$35,00,000 \times 100 = (2,35,000+P) \times 140$

$35,00,00,000 = 3,29,00,000 + 140P$

$140P = 35,00,00,000 - 3,29,00,000$

$140P = 31,71,00,000$

$P = \frac{317100000}{140}$

$P = 22,65,000$.

Therefore, the overhead charges spent is Rs. 22,65,000.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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