
From the following figure, identify(a) Center of the circle.(b) Diameter(c) Two points inside the circle.(d) A sector(e) Three radii(f) A chord(g) Point in the exterior(h) A segment

Given :

The figure of the circle is given.

To do :

We have to identify the terms from the given figure.


Solution :

(a) The centre of the circle is O.

(b) The diameter of the circle is AC.

(c) Two points in the interior are O and P.

(d) AOB is the sector.

(e) OA, OB and OC are the three radii of the circle.

(f) ED and AC both are chords.

(g)Q is a point in the exterior.

(h) The portion included between ED and circumference of the circle (coloured in blue) is the segment.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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