From the elements 3919A, 2814B, 168C, 4018D identify :(a) the most electropositive element.(b) a noble gas.(c) a metalloid.(d) an element which will gain 2 electrons to attain the nearest noble gas configuration.(e) formula of compound formed between A and C.(f) elements belonging to same period.

(a) The most electropositive element is 3919(Potassium).
(b) A noble gas is 4018(Argon).
(c) A metalloid is 2814(Silicon).
(d) An element that will gain 2 electrons to attain the nearest noble gas configuration is  168C (oxygen).
(e) The formula of the compound formed between 3919A and 168C is  A2C (Potassium oxide).
(f) The elements belonging to the same period are  2814B and 4018D. Both belong to the third period.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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