From among the set of metals — sodium, zinc, iron, copper, silver, select the following giving equations for each reaction :
(a) Two metals which will liberate hydrogen from water.
(b) One metal which is used to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory.
(c) One metal which will displace copper from copper sulphate solution.
(d) One metal which will not displace copper from copper sulphate solution.

(a) (i) $2Na + H_2O \rightarrow 2NaOH + H_2$

   Sodium + Water  Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen 

(ii) $Zn + H_2O \rightarrow ZnO + H_2$

    Zinc + Steam  Zinc oxide + Hydrogen

(b) $Zn + H_2SO_4 \rightarrow ZnSO_4 + H_2$

   Zinc + dil. Sulphuric acid  Zinc sulphate + Hydrogen

(c) $Fe + CuSO_4 \rightarrow FeSO_4 + Cu$

   Iron + Copper sulphate   Iron sulphate + Copper

(d) $Ag + CuSO_4 \rightarrow No \ reaction$

    Silver + Copper sulphate   No reaction

Updated on: 17-Mar-2023


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