Floor tiles are $25\ cm$ squares. How many tiles will be needed for a rectangular lawn $12\ m$ long and $10\ m$ wide. Find the total cost at the rate of $8$ per tile.​

Given: Floor tiles are $25\ cm$ squares. Size of rectangular lawn $12\ m$ long and $10\ m$ wide. rate per tile is $₹\ 8$.

To do: To find the total number of tiles needed for lawn and total cost of the tiles.


Area of rectangular lawn$= 120\ m^2$

Area of each tile $= 0.25\ m$

Total number of tiles required $= \frac{120}{0.25}$

$= \frac{12000}{25}$

$= 480$ tiles

total cost $= 480×8$


Thus, total cost of the tiles is $₹\ 3840$.


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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