Find the selling price.
a. CP=₹ 2500, Gain $ = 5\frac{1}{2}$%
b. CP=₹ 2850,  loss $=15$%

Given :

a. Cost Price = 2500₹ ; Gain  $ = 5\frac{1}{2}$%

b. Cost Price = 2850₹ , Loss = 15 %


To find :

We have to find the selling price.

Solution : 

a.) Cost Price = 2500₹ 

Gain   $ = 5\frac{1}{2}$%  

Profit $= \frac{profit \ percentage}{100} \times Cost price$

Profit $= \frac{5 \frac{1}{2}}{100} \times 2500$

            $ = \frac{\frac{5\times2 + 1}{2}}{100} \times 2500$

            $ = \frac{\frac{11}{2}}{100} \times 2500$

           $ = \frac{11}{200} \times 2500$


Profit $ = 137.5 ₹$  

Selling price $= Cost price + Profit$

Selling price $ = 2500 + 137.5$

Selling price = 2637.5₹

Selling price is 2637.5 ₹

b). Cost Price = 2850₹ 

Loss = 15 %

Loss amount $=\frac{Loss \ percentage}{100} \times Cos price$

Loss amount $=\frac{15}{100} \times 2850 $

Loss               $ = 427.5 ₹$

Selling price $=Cost price - loss$

Selling price $ = 2850 - 427.5$

Selling price $=2422.5 ₹$

Selling price is 2422.5₹.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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