Find the perimeter of a triangle whose sides are : $a + b $,$ -3a + 2b$ and $4a + 7b.$

Given :

Sides of Triangle are $a + b $,$ -3a + 2b$ and $4a + 7b.$

To find :

We have to find the Perimeter of the triangle.

Solution :

In geometry, perimeter can be defined as the path or the boundary that surrounds a shape. It can also be defined as the length of the outline of a shape.

For example,

Perimeter of a triangle of sides of length a units, b units and c units = $(a + b + c) $ units.

The sides of the given triangle are $a + b $,$ -3a + 2b$ and $4a + 7b.$


The perimeter of the given triangle = $(a + b)+(-3a + 2b)+(4a + 7b)=(a-3a+4a)+(b+2b+7b)=2a+10b.$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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