Find the number of values of $k$ for which the system of equations $x+y=2,\ kx+y=4,\  x+ky=5$ has only one solution.

Given: The system of equations $x+y=2,\  kx+y=4,\ x+ky=5$ has only one solution.

To do: To find the number of values of $k$.


$x+y=2\ ....( i)$

$kx+y=4\ ....( ii)$

$x+ky=5\ ....( iii)$

On adding $( ii)$ and $( iii)$, we get


$( k+1)( x+y)=9$

But $x+y=2$

$\Rightarrow k+1=\frac{9}{2}=4.5$

$\Rightarrow k=4.5-1=3.5$
 $\therefore$ For the given system of equation to have atleast one solution, $k=3.5$

Thus, $k$ has only $1$ value.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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