Find The Maximum Number Of The Girl Whom 2923 Bags And 3239 Books Can We Distributed Is Such A Way That Each Girl Gets The The Same Number Of Bags And Books

Given: 2923 bags and 3239 books.

To find: We have to find the way in which these books and bags can be distributed to the girls such that each girl gets the same number of bags and books.


To find the maximum number of girls we need to calculate the HCF of 2923 and 3239.


Calculating HCF of 2923 and 3239:

  • The prime factors of 2923 are: 37, 79
  • The prime factors of 3239 are: 41, 79

Common prime factors: 79

Product of all common prime factors = 79

HCF of 2923 and 3239 is: 79

So, the maximum number of the girls are 79.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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