Find the largest possible value of $ r $ less than 100 for which




where $ r, k $ are positive integers.

Given :


r and k are positive integers.

To find :

We have to find the largest possible value of r less than 100.

Solution :

$ \frac{k}{9} +\frac{k}{10} =r$

This implies,

$\frac{k\times 10+k\times 9}{9\times 10} =r$

$\frac{10k+9k}{90} =r$


$k=\frac{90}{19} r$

Given that r and k are positive integers.

Therefore, r should be a multiple of 19 for k to be a positive integer.

Multiples of 19 below 100 are 19,38,57,76 and 95.

This implies,

The largest possible value of r less than 100 is 95.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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