Find the complement of each of the following angles:

(a) 20°                   (b) 63°                     (c) 57°

Given :

The given angles are

(a) 20°          (b) 63°            (c) 57°

To find :

We have to find the complement of the given angles.

Solution :

An angle is said to be the complement of another angle if their sum is $90°$. If x is

an angle, then its complement is $90° - x$.

(a) 20°

Complement of $20° = 90° - 20° = 70°$.

Complement of $20° = 70°$

(b) 63°

Complement of $63° = 90° - 63° = 27°$.

Complement of $63° = 27°$

(c) 57°

Complement of $57° = 90° - 57° = 33°$.

Complement of $57° = 33°$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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