
Find the angles given in the figure.

Given :

∠ABP = 35° and ∠QAB = 65°

To find :

We have to find the angles ∠PAB and ∠QBA.

Solution :


We know that,

Angle formed by the diameter on any point of the circle is 90°.


 ∠APB = 90° and ∠AQB = 90°

Sum of the angles in a triangle is 180°.

$ ∠APB +  ∠ABP +  ∠PAB = 180°$

$90°+35°+∠PAB = 180°$

$∠PAB = 180°-125°$

∠PAB = 55°

$∠AQB +  ∠ABQ +  ∠QAB = 180°$

$90°+65°+∠QBA = 180°$

$∠QBA = 180°-155°$

∠QBA = 25°.

Angels ∠PAB and ∠QBA are 55° and 25°.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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