Find a Pythagoras triplet one of whose numbers is 7.

Given: The number is given 7

To do:  To find the Pythagoras triplet

We know that $2m, m^2 + 1, and m^2 - 1$ form a Pythagorean Triplet for any number m, m > 1.

Let 2m = 7
So, m = $\frac{7}{2} = 3.5$
And,  $m^2 + 1$
= $(3.5)^2 + 1$
= $12.25 + 1$
= 13.25

And, $m^2 - 1$
= $(3.5)^2 - 1$
= $12.25 - 1$
= 11.25

Checking if $(7)^2+ (11.25)^2 = (13.25)^2$
⇒$ 49 + 126.5625 = 175.5625$
⇒ $175.5625 = 175.5625$

Hence, Pythagorean Triplet with 7 as a member is 7, 11.25 and 13.25

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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