Fill in the blanks in the following statements:
(a) When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns milky due to the formation of __________.
(b) The chemical name of baking soda is __________.
(c) Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented are __________ and __________
(d) Changes in which only ____________ properties of a substance change are called physical changes.
(e) Changes in which new substances are formed are called _____________ changes.

(a) When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate.

(b) The chemical name of baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate.

(c) Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented are painting and galvanization.

(d) Changes in which only physical properties of a substance change are called physical changes.

(e) Changes in which new substances are formed are called chemical changes.

[Extra information: A physical change only changes the physical traits of the substance, without making any change in its internal structure.

Examples: melting an ice cube, boiling of water, dissolving sugar in water, melting of chocolate,  etc.

A chemical change affects the internal structure of the substance and leads to the formation of a new substance. It is an irreversible and permanent change.

Examples: Photosynthesis, digesting food, rusting of iron, boiling an egg,  etc.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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