Explain with the help of a diagram, how we are able to observe the sunrise about two minutes before the Sun gets above the horizon.

We are able to observe the sunrise about two minutes before the sun gets above the horizon because of the phenomenon of atmospheric refraction. When the Sun is slightly below the horizon, the light rays coming from the Sun travels from a less dense air to a high denser layer of air due to which the light gets refracted in the downward direction and then reaches the observer. Thus, the light coming is perceived as coming from the sun, and hence the sunrise is observed two minutes before it actually rises or gets above the horizon.

It can be shown with the help of the following diagram:


The actual sunrise takes place when the Sun is just above the horizon. But, when the Sun remains slightly below the horizon, the light coming from the sun moves from less dense air to more dense air, thus get refracted towards the normal. Due to this atmospheric refraction of light, it appears as if the Sun is above the horizon causing an early sunrise. Thus, we remain able to see the Sun about two minutes before it actually arrives above the horizon.

Similarly, the actual sunset takes place when the Sun is just below the horizon. But, when it arrives slightly below the horizon, the light coming from the sun moves from less dense air to more dense air, thus get refracted towards the normal. Due to this atmospheric refraction of light, it appears to come from above the horizon causing a delay in the sunset. Thus, we remain able to see the Sun for two minutes even after it actually arrives below the horizon.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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