Explain the method of unit conversion.

Method of unit conversion :

The system of unit conversion is as follow:

a)Write the conversion as a fraction that equals 1

b)Multiply it out (leaving all units in the answer)

c)Cancel any units that are both top and bottom


Convert 5 km into meters

We can write the conversion as a fraction that equals 1:

$\frac{1000 m}{1 km}   =  1$                               [as 1 km $=$ 1000 m]

And it is safe to multiply by 1 (does not affect the answer):

$5 km \times 1 = 5 km$

so we can do this:

$5 km \times  \frac{1000 m}{1 km}  =  \frac{5000 km · m}{1 km}$ 

We cancel any units that are in both top and bottom:

$\frac{5000 km · m}{1 km}  = 5000 m$

So, 5 km equals 5000 m. 

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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