Explain the difference between each of the following pairs of terms:
(a) receptor and effector    (b) cerebrum and cerebellum

(a) The difference between receptor and effector are as follows:-


It is a cell or group of cells, in a sense organ which is responsive to a particular type of stimuli like sound, light, smell, taste, heat etc.

It is the part of the body, which is responsive to stimulus as per the instructions sent from the nervous system (spinal cord and brain).

Example: Skin has heat receptors, Eyes have light receptors, etc.
Example: Muscles, glands etc.

(a) The difference between cerebrum and cerebellum are as follows:-


It is a part of the forebrain, which is responsible for our sensation, thoughts, actions and movements.

It is the part of the hindbrain, which is responsible for maintaining the posture and balance of the body.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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