Explain the parts of the stems.

A plant stem is comprised of eight distinct parts, which contains six elements and two organs. 

The six elements are: 

1) Nodes- They are the region of active division or growth, which contain a lot of cells, known as 'meristematic' cells where the buds, leaves, aerial roots, and the branches originate.

They are important in reproducing new plant parts or even a complete plant by the process of stem cutting, like rose, salvia, dahlia, etc.

2) Internodes- They are the regions between two nodes, and also known as 'internodal zone'. This is the area which extends to give the stem more length and, therefore, the plant get more height.

They act like blood vessels that carry and distributes food, water, and minerals from one node to another.

3) Terminal or Apical bud- This type of bud is the small extension found at the tip of the plant. It directly contributes to the growth of the plants, because this is the area where cells actively keep dividing. Thus helps the plant to grow vertically upwards.

 4) Lateral or Axillary bud- These are the small buds that develop from the region between the stem and a leaf called axil. These buds may remain inactive or may develop into a side shoot, leaf or flower under favourable conditions of growth based on the requirement of a plant.

5) Petiole- It is the thin stalk of the leaf that connects the leaf to the node of the stem. It provides strength and support to the leaf, and transports water and minerals from the stem to the leaf and distribute photosynthetic products from the leaf to the rest of the plant.

6) Pedicel- It is the short, slender stalk that attaches an individual flower in a cluster of flowers. It supports exposing flowers to the sun and wind so that they can attract pollinators such as bees and insects for the purpose of sexual reproduction in plants.

The two organs are:- 

1) Leaves- They are the main lateral affix of the stem that arises from the nodes. These are the thin, flat organ of a plant that is generally green in colour, that help plants to produce food with the help of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water by a process of photosynthesis.

They also help the plant to cool down by losing water in the form of water vapour by a process of transpiration.

2) Flowers- They are the most colourful and attractive organ of a plant which varies widely in colour, shape and size with every plant species. They help in the sexual reproduction of plants by attracting pollinators like bees and other insects or animals that help to transfer pollen grains from the anther (male reproductive part) to the stigma (female reproductive part) of the flower, by the process known as pollination.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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