Explain the equation of motion by Graphical Method.

The velocity-time graph for the uniformly accelerated body can be used to derive the three equations of motions.

Consider this velocity-time graph of a body moving with uniform acceleration. The body has an initial velocity 'u' at point A and then its velocity changes at a uniform rate from A to B in time ‘t’.
In other words, there is a uniform acceleration from A to B, and after time 't' its final velocity becomes 'v' which is equal to BC in the graph. The time 't' is represented by OC.
To complete the graph, a perpendicular CB is drawn from point C and a perpendicular AD is drawn parallel to OC. BE is perpendicular from point B to OE.

Now, starting with the first equation of motion.

1. Derivation of the first equation of motion: $v=u+at$ by graphical method -
Initial velocity of the body (u) = OA
Final velocity of the body (v) = BC

From the graph $BC=BD+DC$
$\therefore v=BD+DC$            $[\because v=BC]$
$v=BD+OA$                $[\because DC=OA]$
$v=BD+u$                    $[\because OA=u]$ 
$v=BD+u$  ------------------------- (i)

We know that the slope/gradient of the velocity-time graph is equal to acceleration 'a'.
Acceleration, a = slope of line AB
$a=\frac{BD}{t}$                            $[\because AD=OC=t]$

Now, putting this value of BD in equation (i), we get:
Rearranging this equation to get:

Hence, the first equation of motion is derived by the graphical representation.

2. Derivation of the second equation of motion: $s=ut+\frac{1}{2}\times a{t}^{2}$ by graphical method -
Let's assume that the distance travelled's'  by the body in time 't' can be calculated by calculating the area under the velocity-time graph.

The area under the graph is equal to the area of OABC. 
Distance travelled = area of figure OABC
$=Area\ of\ triangle\ OADC+Area\ of\ triangle\ ABD$
$=(OA\times OC)+\left(\frac{1}{2}\times AD\times BD\right)$ $\left(\because Area\ of\ rectangle=length\times breadth\ and\ Area\ of\ triangle=\frac{1}{2}\times base\times height\right)$
$=(u\times t)+\left(\frac{1}{2}\times t\times at\right)$

So, distance travelled $s=ut+\frac{1}{2}a{t}^{2}$

Hence, the second equation of motion is derived by the graphical representation.

3. Derivation of the third equation of motion: ${v}^{2}={u}^{2}+2as$ by graphical method -
We know that the area under the velocity-time graph gives us the distance travelled by the body.
The distance travelled 's' by the body in time 't' is given by the area of figure OABC (which is a trapezium).

Distance travelled = area of trapezium OABC
$s=\frac{(sum\ of\ parallel\ sides)\times (height)}{2}$  $\left[\because Area\ of \ trapezium=\frac{1}{2}\times (sum\ of\ parallel\ sides)\times (height)\right]$
$s=\frac{(OA+BC)\times OC}{2}$

$Now,\ OA+CB=u+v,\ and\ OC=t$
Substituting these values in above relation, we get –
$s=\frac{(u+v)\times t}{2}$

Now, to get the required equation we have to eliminate 't' from the above equation. And, this can be done by substituting the value of 't' from the first equation of motion.
Substituting this value in above equation, we get -

Hence, the third equation of motion is derived by the graphical representation.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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