Explain one way of recycling of waste paper.

One way to recycle the waste paper is as given below:
  • Collect old newspapers, magazines, used notebooks, envelopes, and torn-out used papers.
  • Make small pieces of paper from these items and put them in a bucket or any other container submerged in water for one or two days.
  • Make a thick paste of wet paper by pounding it. Spread the waste paste on the wire mesh fixed to the frame. You can use a large-sized seive in place of a frame.
  • Pat the layer of paste gently to make the layer paste as uniform as possible. You may spread an old cloth or a sheet of newspaper on the paste to soak up the extra water.
  • Remove the layer of paste from the frame and spread it on a sheet of newspaper in the sun. Put some weight on the comer of the newspaper so that it does not curl up.
  • You can decorate the paper by adding food colors, dried leaves, flower petals, or pieces of colored paper to the paste.
This helps to get recycled paper with beautiful patterns on it.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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