Explain how animals dwelling in the forest help it grow and regenerate.

Animals help in growing and regenerating forests in many ways.

  • Animals work as the cleaning agents by eating vegetation they clear land for fresh growth.
  • Microorganisms work on dead bodies of plants and animals and degenerate them.
  • Animals also help in pollination which helps in growing a number of plants.
  • Herbivores help the carnivores to grow as they serve as food for them.

Thus flora and fauna mutually grow in the forest.

[Extra information: Forests are a very important renewable natural resource. Plants in forest purify air by absorbing Carbon dioxide and releasing Oxygen and also maintain a balance between Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants in the forest absorb water from the soil through their roots and release it into the air by the process of transpiration which increases the amount of water vapour in the air, helps in cloud formation and rainfall. Thus, forests play an important role in the water cycle operating on the earth. Forests provide us with various products such as wood, gum, medicines fruits, latex, etc. The roots of trees in the forest bind the soil particles together which helps in preventing soil erosion. Moreover, the raindrops do not fall directly on the forest floor with full force due to the presence of plants in different layers in a forest which prevents flooding. Forests help in maintaining the water table by harvesting the rainwater.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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