Evaluate the following :$36-[18-{14-(15-4÷2\times2)}]$

Given :

$36-[ 18-\{14-( 15-4\div 2\times 2)\}]$ is the given expression.

To do :

We have to simplify and find the value of given expression.

Solution :

We have to follow BODMAS method in these type of problems.

$36-[ 18-\{14-( 15-4\div 2\times 2)\}] =36-[ 18-\{14-( 15-2\times 2)\}]$

$=36-[ 18-\{14-( 15-4)\}]$

$=36-[ 18-\{14-11\}]$

$=36-[ 18-3]$

$ =36-15$

$ =21$.

The simplified value of the given term $36-[ 18-\{14-( 15-4\div 2\times 2)\}]$ is $21$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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