Draw two concentric circles of radii 3 cm and 5 cm. Construct a tangent to the smaller circle from a point on the larger circle. Also, measure its length.

To do:

We have to draw two concentric circles of radii 3 cm and 5 cm. Construct a tangent to the smaller circle from a point on the larger circle. Also, measure its length.


Let $P$ be a point on the outer circle.

Steps of construction:

(i) Draw two concentric circles with centre $O$ and radii $3\ cm$ and $5\ cm$.

(ii) Taking a point $P$ on outer circle, join $OP$.

(iii) Bisect $OP$, let $M’$ be the mid-point of $OP$.

Taking $M’$ as centre and $OM’$ as radius draw a circle dotted which cuts the inner circle as $M$ and $P’$.

(iv) Join $PM$ and $PP’$.

$PM$ and $PP’$ are the required tangents.

(v) On measuring $PM$ and $PP’$, we find that $PM = PP’ = 4\ cm$.

Therefore, the lengths of both tangents is $4\ cm$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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