Does everyone around you get enough food to eat? If not, why?

No. Everyone does not get enough food to eat because there is a lot of unemployment and poverty in the country, which compels people to suffer from hunger. Around one-third of the food grown on earth is wasted, either due to improper methods of storage or due to food wastage caused by people who leave the food unconsumed and thrown in the dustbin.

There is enough food made in the world to feed everyone. The problem is access and availability, both of which are affected by things like extreme weather, wasted food, a person's gender, and, worst of all, war.

The driving factors for hunger are:

Hunger is caused by war more than anything else, and this can be stopped. It uproots families, destroys economies, ruins infrastructure, and halts agricultural production.

Climate change is one of the main causes of hunger around the world because it makes extreme weather events happen more often and with more force. Over 80% of the hungry people in the world live in countries that are prone to disasters.

In nearly two-thirds of the world's countries, hunger and malnutrition are more likely to affect women than men. This is because women often eat last and the least.

About one-third of the food that is grown or raised around the world each year is lost or wasted. If we could get back all the food we throw away, we could feed everyone who is hungry on the planet twice.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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