DIRECTIONS: Read the following two statements carefully and choose the correct options. (i) In unicellular organisms transportation occur by diffusion and streaming movements of the cytplasm. (ii) Humans beings transport nutrients, gases etc. by blood.
(a) Statement (i) is correct while statement (ii) is incorrect.
(b) Statement (ii) is correct while statement (i) is incorrect.
(c) Both statements are correct.
(d) Both statements are incorrect.

Correct Answer(c) Both statements are correct.


In unicellular organisms, transportation occurs by diffusion and streaming movements of the cytoplasm.

Humans beings transport nutrients, gases, etc. by blood.

Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients (glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids) and oxygen (by the help of hemoglobin) to the cells and transports metabolic waste products (carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid) away from those same cells.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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