Construct a rhombus with side 6 cm and one diagonal 8 cm. Measure the other diagonal.

Given:  A rhombus with side $6\ cm$ and one diagonal $8\ cm$.

To do: To construct the rhombus and to measure the other diagonal.


Steps of the constructions:

Step $( i)$:- Draw the AC$=8\ cm$.

Step $( ii)$:- Bisect $AC$. 

Step $( iii)$:- With $A$ as the center and radius$=6\ cm$ and draw arcs on both sides.

Step $( iv)$:- With $C$ as the center and radius $6\ cm$ and draw arcs both sides, intersecting the previous arcs at points $B$ and $D$.

Step $( v)$:- Join $BD=8.9\ cm$

Hence, the other diagonal is $BD$ is equal to $8.9\ cm$.

Then, the $ABCD$ is the required rhombus.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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