Collect newspaper cuttings and information in magazines about HIV/AIDS. Write a one-page article of 15 to 20 sentences on HIV/AIDS.

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is the last stage of HIV infection caused by the weakened immune system, infected by a virus. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. 

This weakens the body and interferes with the body's ability to fight any infection.

Thus, it is truly said that people who die from AIDS are not killed by the virus itself, but killed by various other small infections that affect the body.

AIDS spreads through:

(i) the establishment of sexual contact with the HIV-infected person.

(ii) HIV spreads through sharing injection equipment while using drugs or accidental needle sticks.

(iii) HIV spreads with the entry of infected blood during blood transfusions.

(iv) It also spreads through getting tattoos or body piercings with unsterilized or infected needles.

Symptoms of the HIV-infected person remain unnoticeable or asymptomatic until the critical stage of the disease is reached.  

The symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, fever, night sweats, fatigue, and recurrent infections.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023

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