Check the divisibility rule of 11 for 1.10000001.

Given :

The given number is 1.10000001.

To do :

We have to check the divisibility of 11 for the given number.

Solution :

Divisibility of 1.10000001 by 11

1.10000001 is divisible by 11 if 110000001 is divisible by 11.

Divisibility Of 11 :

A positive integer N is divisible by 11 if the difference of the alternating sum of digits of N is a multiple of 11.


$1-1+0-0+0-0+0-0+1 = 1$

1 is not divisible by 11. 


1.10000001 is not exactly divisible by 11.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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