Can you find a plant in your house or in your neighborhood, which has a long but weak stem? Write its name. In which category will you place it?

In my house, the most commonly available plant with a long and weak stem is the money plant (also known as pothos). Its thin stem spreads on the ground and it is thus categorized under creepers.

Creepers are slow-growing plants that spread out over a large area. Mostly, these plants grow in moist places like gardens, parks, lawns, roadside ditches, and empty lots. They are also called "creepers" because their stems lie flat on the ground and move along with the ground. They can also be seen moving over fences and walls.

The creeper can also be a herbaceous plant. Some common types of creepers are pumpkin, sweet gourd, watermelon, sweet potato, trumpet creeper, money plant, poison ivy, etc., which are all members of the ground plant family.

Indoor plants with green leaves or tropical plants look, like the Monster Creeper Swiss Cheese Plant, the Money Plant Green, and the Money Plant Golden, are grown.

Creeping vines are used to climb trees, bushes, tall plants, nearby plants, fences, and walls. They grow slowly and don't take up as much room as other plants. Their stems can't do anything. There are also many creeping plants that stay green all year.

Examples of Indian climbers that are well-known:


Money plant, blue morning glory

Star jasmine

Vine from Bengal

Sweet potato vine

Flame vine.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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